Display Signage
Create passenger satisfaction with real-time information
Market trend
It’s more important than ever to provide real-time information and personalized contents to passengers in airport.
Display solutions are an essential resolution to provide passengers with a seamless experience
Airports have challenges with providing precise information, promoting shopping and F&B messages to increase revenue, and maintaining operational excellency for airport performance and operating profit. Effective displays can help address that.

Provide real-time promotions

Enable seamless experiences

Maintain operational excellency

air passengers are expected in 2035, nearly double the 3.8 billions in 2016

of passengers would extensively detail their travel preferences in order to receive personalized service

of passengers are very satisfied with digital destination services like personal infotainment, etc.
* Source: IATA, 2016 / Accenture, 2013 / SITA 2017
What Intellope offers
As airports have grown larger and passenger numbers have increased, it is imperative that information delivered to travelers is concise, increasing traveler satisfaction. Samsung’s wide range of digital displays allows airports to always deliver the most up-to-date and accurate information to travelers.
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