10 Data Backup Mistakes You Can Easily Avoid
Plenty of things can cause data loss. The most common are hardware failure and human error, but software corruption, computer viruses, theft, and natural disasters like floods and fires might occur, as well.
5 Ways to Stop Ransomware
No organization is safe. From hospitals dealing with surges in COVID-19 cases to hotels and restaurant in the Italy to UK train stations — the only rule businesses must learn is that it’s not a case of “if” but “when.”
CEO of Intellope: We should not underestimate cyberprotection—it is relevant to every single device
With the growing popularity of information technology, the risk of a hacker attack targeting all types of devices around the world is also increasing. Intellope CEO, Vasil Dzadik, introduced us to the topic of cybersecurity in an interview.
What is Phishing and why is it a problem?
Phishing is a method of trying to gather personal information using deceptive e-mails and websites. Phishing is a cyber-attack that uses a disguised email as a weapon. The goal is to trick the email recipient into believing that the message is something they want or need, such as a request from their bank or a note from someone in their company requesting to click a link or download an attachment.
What is Ransomware? A few Simple Tips to avoid it
Ransomware is one of the fastest growing cyber security threats in the world but first, let us see exactly what ransomware is?